Sugar Paste Hair Removal Specialist
Pre-Sugaring Tips
Shower prior to your appointment
You can take an Ibuprofen 30min. prior to help with pain
Exfoliate 24 hours prior to your appointment
Get waxed or sugared 3 days prior to being swimsuit ready, so bumps and redness have subsided
Wear comfortable clothes, preferably not black in case talc is used
Post Sugaring Tips
No sauna or hot showers for 24 hours
No hot tub for three days
No excessive sweating, physical activity or swimming for 24 hours
No exfoliation for at least three days
No heavy lotions or fragrances on treated areas, it can clog pores and cause irritation
Additional tips & information
Give yourself a few days before and after your period because you may be more sensitive
Make sure your hair is at least 1/4 inch long
It can take 3-6 sugar session to get your hair all on the same growth cycle
You may need to come in more frequently in the beginning to get your hair on the same growth cycle
Don't shave between appointments, it disrupts the growth cycle
Sugaring is better than shaving because it lasts longer, reduces hair growth, exfoliates and improves skin texture, and with continued waxing the hair will grow back finer and softer for most.
Sugaring is better than waxing, because it is more gentle. Clients are less likely to have adverse reactions, because it is natural and slightly warmed. Sugar paste is made of the simple ingredients of sugar, water and citric acid from lemon juice.